Drawing simple captcha

Cryptography • Font rendering • Image rotation

Let’s write an algorithm for displaying text as an image using the Java AWT library. Symbols and font can be any, but for this example we will use a combination of uppercase latin letters and digits with the Comic Sans font — we will draw a simple captcha for a website or blog.

Drawing simple captcha

We’ll also consider special characters, but we won’t use them, because it will be difficult for the user to guess special characters with such a text decoration. For example, the plus + is still possible to guess, but the minus - or the underscore _ is already with difficulty, and even if you guess right, then to find these buttons with difficulty, especially on the phone. Therefore, for captcha we’ll use a combination of only capital latin letters and digits.

Rendering special characters in a monospaced font: Drawing heart in console.

Algorithm description #

We prepare an array of symbols consisting of uppercase latin letters and numbers. Then bypass this array and draw each symbol separately — we get a picture. Then rotate the pictures alternately by ±35 degrees — we get an array of pictures with symbols. The second time we bypass the array with pictures and collect a common image — we attach pictures from left to right, so that the next picture runs over the previous one by 40% of its width.

Why 35 degrees? If we take a larger angle, then it will be difficult for the user to solve such a captcha. For example, the letters N and Z will be similar to each other. If we take a smaller angle, then such a captcha will be easy to solve using machine text recognition.

The imposition of the next picture on the previous one by 40% of its width is necessary, so that the symbols are located very close or slightly touch each other — it also complicates machine text recognition.

Font rendering #

When rendering the font, we will use anti-aliasing, otherwise the letters will have jagged edges. Set the image with transparency support, color black, font Comic Sans.

// converting a string with text into a picture with text
private static BufferedImage stringToImage(String str, Font font) {
    // font rendering context
    FontRenderContext ctx = new FontRenderContext(font.getTransform(), true, true);
    // get the dimensions of the picture with text when rendering
    Rectangle bnd = font.getStringBounds(str, ctx).getBounds();
    // create a new image with transparency support
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(bnd.width, bnd.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    // turn on the editing mode of the new image
    Graphics2D graphics = image.createGraphics();
    // font for rendering
    // color, that we'll draw with
    // apply font smoothing when rendering text
    graphics.setRenderingHint( // anti-aliasing pixels along the shape border
            RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    // draw a picture with text
    graphics.drawString(str, bnd.x, -bnd.y);
    // disable the editing mode
    // return a picture with text
    return image;

Image rotation #

When rotating the image for smoothing, we will use bilinear interpolation, otherwise there will be a lot of unnecessary artifacts along the image borders. On the way, we recalculate the dimensions for the new image.

// rotate the picture by a given angle and change its dimensions
private static BufferedImage rotateImage(BufferedImage image, double angle) {
    // converting degrees to radians
    double radian = Math.toRadians(angle);
    double sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(radian));
    double cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(radian));
    // get the dimensions of the current image
    int width = image.getWidth();
    int height = image.getHeight();
    // calculate the dimensions of the new image
    int nWidth = (int) Math.floor(width * cos + height * sin);
    int nHeight = (int) Math.floor(height * cos + width * sin);
    // create a new image with transparency support
    BufferedImage rotated = new BufferedImage(nWidth, nHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    // turn on the editing mode of the new image
    Graphics2D graphics = rotated.createGraphics();
    // apply picture smoothing when rotating
    graphics.setRenderingHint( // bilinear interpolation
    // shift the origin of the new image to its center
    graphics.translate(nWidth / 2, nHeight / 2);
    // rotate the new image with its coordinate system
    // put the current image in the new one, so that their centers coincide
    graphics.drawImage(image, -width / 2, -height / 2, null);
    // disable the editing mode
    // return a new image
    return rotated;

Drawing simple captcha #

We bypass the array of symbols, draw and rotate each symbol separately, on the way calculate the dimensions for the common image. Create a common image and after that once again bypass the array of images and add them one by one from left to right to the common image. We return a pair of objects: the text value of the captcha and the picture with symbols.

// draw an array of symbols, rotate them and merge the results
private static Map.Entry<String, BufferedImage> drawSimpleCaptcha(String[] symbols)
        throws IOException, FontFormatException {
    Font font = Font // set the font file
            .createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new File("ComicSansMS.ttf"))
            // set the font style and size
            .deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 32);
    // dimensions of the final image
    int width = 0, height = 0;
    // prepare an image array
    BufferedImage[] images = new BufferedImage[symbols.length];
    // bypass the array of symbols, get pictures and
    // calculate the dimensions of the final image
    for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 0) // draw the symbols and rotate the images
            images[i] = rotateImage(stringToImage(symbols[i], font), 35);
            images[i] = rotateImage(stringToImage(symbols[i], font), -35);
        // dimensions of the picture with the current symbol
        int h = images[i].getHeight(), w = images[i].getWidth();
        // height of the largest symbol
        height = Math.max(height, h);
        // we'll shift the next symbol by 40% of the previous one's width
        if (i < symbols.length - 1)
            width += w * 6 / 10; // take 60% of the current symbol's width
        else // take the last symbol's width entirely
            width += w;
    // create a new image with transparency support
    BufferedImage captcha = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    // turn on the editing mode of the new image
    Graphics2D graphics = captcha.createGraphics();
    // bypass the array of images and add them to the common image from left to right
    for (BufferedImage image : images) {
        // draw the current symbol at the origin
        graphics.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
        // shift the origin by 60% of the current symbol's width
        graphics.translate(image.getWidth() * 6 / 10, 0);
    // disable the editing mode
    // pair of objects: the text value of the captcha and the picture with symbols
    return Map.entry(String.join("", symbols), captcha);
Additional methods
// method for outer calls, returns a random combination of 5 symbols
public static Map.Entry<String, BufferedImage> drawSimpleCaptcha()
        throws IOException, FontFormatException {
    return drawSimpleCaptcha(5);
// method for outer calls, string length required
public static Map.Entry<String, BufferedImage> drawSimpleCaptcha(int length)
        throws IOException, FontFormatException {
    // получаем случайную комбинацию символов указанной длины
    String[] symbols = getRandomString(length);
    return drawSimpleCaptcha(symbols);
// get a random combination of uppercase latin letters and numbers
private static String[] getRandomString(int length) {
    String[] symbols = new String[length];
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        // 26 capital letters and 10 digits
        int rnd = random.nextInt(36);
        if (rnd < 26) // letters [A..Z]
            symbols[i] = Character.toString('A' + rnd);
        else // digits [0..9]
            symbols[i] = Character.toString('0' + rnd - 26);
    return symbols;

Testing and launching #

The algorithm turned out to be universal — it can render almost any string and in almost any font, but with a long list of exceptions, related to unicode symbol ranges and font types. There are many variants, testing takes a long time, and the simplified model suits me quite well.

To complete this example for visualization, let’s draw a line: SIMPLE+CAPTCHA+1+1.

// start the program and output the result
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, FontFormatException {
    String[] symbols = "simple+captcha+1+1".toUpperCase().split("");
    // Map.Entry<String, BufferedImage> captcha = drawSimpleCaptcha(18);
    Map.Entry<String, BufferedImage> captcha = drawSimpleCaptcha(symbols);
    // save image to file, text to console
    ImageIO.write(captcha.getValue(), "png", new File("captcha.png"));
    // System.out.println(captcha.getKey());

See the picture from this code above: captcha.png.

© Golovin G.G., Code with comments, translation from Russian, 2023
